Thursday, March 26, 2015

Stupid Cancer

      Seen at the end of my first treatment - notice the green barf bags and bandaids close by!

The actual infusion was easy-peasy...the port worked so great, I had not pain or discomfort with that.

There were a couple of volunteers who reminded me of Dad and Uncle Bob, asking what I needed (hot blanket, yes, water, yes, an extra pillow, yes, cran-grape, yes).  Speaking of Uncle Bob, while I was going through my infusion yesterday, he was having shoulder surgery.  Shout out to Bob!!  Hard to believe his was going to be out-patient surgery with a long recovery at home.  Means lots of work for Aunt Karan AND Bob!

Two of the nurses in my area graduated from JSU where Ben is, and from the nursing school where MJ WILL be getting into for next year.

Ben came in to visit before I was completely done (remember I was way delayed to get into the infusion room).  So he was another bright face for me!  He was got a Starbucks coffee (so great to have a Starbucks shop in the main area of Kirklin), and came in another time to check on me, then was ready to get the car to pick me up.

On the way home, I wanted some won ton soup, and Ben loves Chinese, so we got to-go from Mandarin House (that's a plug for them) and came home.  I was ready to eat.  Within an hour or so, and while Ben and I were watching a movie (The Interview), I wanted to sleep and slept for several hours.  When I awoke, I felt all the feelings that you might imagine.  Not sure if I can describe them, just say that slo-mo, other-worldly, overwhelmed were part of it.  Took all the anti-nausea meds I could take.  Around 8 I had a the blueberry muffin that Bill brought me and a frozen chocolate banana. It was perfect.

I have Ativan to take for sleep during these few days, so I went ahead and took one just in case and slept pretty well with my cPap and in the easy chair (still helpful with the drainage site).

This morning, I'm mostly alert.  I talked to Rosalie from Knoxville - even though we haven't talked in a while, she's one of those friends that you can just pick up with as though no time had passed.  I was able to return several texts (THANKS!) and FB messages (THANKS!).

I had some oatmeal this morning and have been drinking some diet Sprite...gotta keep the fluids going.  Cathy is bringing me some chicken soup lunch, and Melinda is bringing dinner tonight.

Lots going on with mom, and dad and Marianna.  Thinking of you guys a lot.  And Debbie (my sister) is in process of getting their new home ready to move into.  LOTS HAPPENING WITH EVERYBODY!!

SOOOO grateful for you all.  You make my days better.  Take special care of yourself,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your journey. It helps me know how to pray for you. Love you! We must take time when you are able to get together. Love you!
