Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Back to Work

It was good to get back to a full day at work today!  And so very nice to be happy, busy, and working with people I genuinely care for.  I'm a lucky person!

Dr. Nabell called me this morning to talk about the scans I had done yesterday.  The bone scan was fine.  It showed what I already knew about my hip (leg bone in hip socket).  Orthopedic doc told me a couple of years ago that I had arthritis in the hip and would probably be a candidate for hip replacement (but I'm too young now!).  The chest exam was fine.

The CT scan showed a couple of shadows in the liver, with the largest being on the right side.  Dr. Nabell said that the radiology department is VERY aggressive when they believe something is cancerous.  They were NOT aggressive in their comments to Dr. Nabell as they can't tell if it's meaningful or not.  SO, this means that I go in for a liver biopsy.  They will use cat scan guidance to see where the needle goes (outpatient but with IV sedation).

Now, STOP RIGHT NOW and promise me that you will NOT go on the Internet to search for liver cancer or ANYTHING ELSE!!  (You know who you are!)  I am not looking on the Internet for things I don't know I have or for a diagnosis that has not been made.  We have no use for information that is not relevant so don't go looking for it!  Promise me!

Since I've gotten that off my chest, I can let you know that the appointment has been made for next Wednesday morning, March 18 at 6:00 a.m. at UAB North Tower.  I DID fuss a little bit about having to wait another week, since I've already gone 2.5 weeks without a plan!!  I need a plan!!  The scheduling nurse said she would ask if there could be an earlier time, or maybe someone will cancel to let me slide in early.  So, we may have to wait til Wednesday, or maybe it can be done earlier.

Okay, better news now:

The initial look at the two additional lymph nodes that were taken last Thursday showed no sign of cancer.  Yay!  The frozen node results have not been received yet.

AND, the BRAC Analysis came back negative!  That's the genetic testing results.  That's good news.  Means no additional risk for the close or extended family, just to take normal precautions and regular doctor visits.

I am waiting for the day where I can just write that treatments are going normally and well and I'm on track for the next treatment!

If you have signed up for email notifications of blog posts, I just changed the notification time to be 7-9 PM CST.  The default setting is for first thing in the morning.  So, if I don't post something til after 9 CST, you won't be notified until the next evening.  I'm learning!

Peace out!  Love you guys!

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