Thursday, March 19, 2015

Ready to Update!

Yesterday was liver biopsy day...I wasn't ready to update though, but this morning is better!

6:00 a.m., found the right place to go in the North Pavilion, UAB.  It's easy to forget about the North Pavilion when you are driving around UAB, because it's sooooo confusing how many buildings there are!  But the North Pavilion is like the AAA of UAB.  Beautiful entrance, better signage, and easier to get around.

After waiting a bit, I got to a room and had an IV put in.  Then after waiting some more (with Bill in a private room), they took me to the procedure room.  There were three other people in the room with me, the doctor, the nurse and then a tech guy.  They were really good about telling me what was going to happen and what was happening.  They marked the area where the biopsy needle would go in.  The IV was enough of a buzz to allow me to close my eyes and relax.  They put lidocaine (or whatever it's called that they numb up your mouth with when you get dental work done) in the area where the needle went in.  And a sonogram was used to locate the place where they wanted to go with the needle.

If you've ever had your ears pierced, then you know that sound that happens with the needle gun going through your ear lobe.  That's kinda what this needle sounded like.  I think they took about 3-4 samples, and then I was done.

After waiting in the initial room for a while, I got moved back into a private room.  I had been told before and at this time not to move for 4 hours.  For whatever reason (!!!!), Bill didn't get pulled back into my room for about an hour.  In fact, the doctor had come to check on me, and I told him that I had asked the nurses 3 times for Bill, and the doctor was the one who actually went to get him from the waiting room.  That was service!  Grateful for him and the concern he showed me!

So I dozed and watched some TV and didn't move until about 1:45.  At that time I was able to get dressed and Bill picked me up in the car.  The rest of the afternoon I just slept at home.  Malinda and Aleta let me know that Aleta was bringing dinner from Wednesday night church dinner, and she got here just in time!  We were ready for this lovely meal!  Aleta also brought me a beautiful prayer shawl (how did she remember my favorite colors!) from the ministry team.

Bill had his follow up appointment with the gastro doctor, which he was able to get to after bringing me home.  The doctor gave him some anti-nausea medication, as well as set him up for an MRI on Friday morning (tomorrow).

So, yesterday I was totally fuzzy and is a little better.  I'm very very very grateful that I have co-workers and work support to be able to get some things done at home.  AND, that they will cover for me and with me when I need.  I'm a little scared (okay, a lot), that I will be asking MORE of this as time goes forward.  Day at a time, though.

Thanks for the love!  Sitting with my lap quilt from Georgia, and my prayer shawl from Vestavia.  Covered in prayer.

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