Friday, March 20, 2015

I Love My Doctor

I could not be more grateful for Dr. Nabell.  She called me a few minutes ago (yes, on a Friday afternoon) to let me know that the liver biopsy was NOT CANCER!  Praise and thankfulness!

I also got a call this afternoon from the chemo educator for Kirklin, giving me a code so I can watch an informational video presentation online about treatments.  She will also be meeting with us at 7:30 next Wednesday morning to talk more and answer questions before the 8:30 treatment.

The only things I know right now about the treatment is the type of drugs (Cathy reminded me that the drug I couldn't think of is cytoxin) and that these first four rounds will be 2.5 hours long.  If I learn anything more from the video that's  interesting, I'll post it.

Thanks again for your positive energy and friendship!


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