Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Here we go....

Began writing this at 9:35 am.

7:30 am:   Bill and I were up bright and early this morning, pumped and primed for this part of the adventure.  We made it to Kirklin right on time and got checked in.  After about 15 minutes I asked the receptionist if she would remind me of the educator's name.  She told me Miss Betty, but that Miss Betty was on vacation.  Wait, what?  So I said, I was told I'd be meeting with Miss Betty, and Miss Receptionist said "they" must not have known she was on vacation when they scheduled me.  I said "they" just made the appointment last week and that Miss Betty had called me about watching the educational video.  Miss Receptionist looked blankly for just a sec (I'm giving her some credit here) before saying that a nurse would be meeting with me, and that nurses had done the education part before Miss Betty was hired so they were used to it.  So, at least partially satisfied, I sat down again.

8:15 am. Sitting in waiting room.  At this point we had watched lots of people go in while waiting for my name to be called.  The wait was humbling and sometimes entertaining.  The ladies to the left of me (Darlene lives on the Tombigbee and Darla lives on the Warrior River), began discussing their husbands' treatments and subsequent side effects.  Thankfully they moved on to other topics.  Did you know that you cook alligator tail by using seasoning salt on both sides and flipping it on a hot greased skillet?  Well I'll be durned, as Darla replied.

While I was distracted with tales from the wild side, Bill went up to Miss Receptionist to politely inquire as to our appointment time of 7:30, now long gone.  She said she would check.

Bill and I had THE talk:  we will be working and meeting regularly in this clinic for 4 months, so we don't want to be those obnoxious people; on the other hand, our plan had been that Bill would make to work well before the 10:00 rehearsal time today.  BUT you already know how well our plans have been going!

Right at 8:45 just as Bill stood up to check again with Miss Receptionist, my name was called! Woohoo! Here we go.

At this point I had already dissolved into tears twice. When Malinda had texted me this morning to wish me well, I had told her that I was nervous but not anxious. That changed!  My anxiety level increased with every Pro Bass story I heard from Darla and Darlene.

So as soon as sweet Nurse Betty asked how I was in the most appropriate compassionate nurse voice. I dissolved once again.  She said all the right things about apologizing and how I should have been brought back sooner, etc.  I love me some Nurse Betty.

She went through all of the info that we needed and wanted...sometime later I may share some of that but right now I'm hooked up and can't reach my folder.

By 9:20, Bill hurried out the door, and hopefully made it to rehearsal in time to deal with all the issues that come up before the baton is waved.  Nurse Vickie called me back and has talked me through this whole thing.  I feel very cared for and am in a much happier place.

Vickie was able to access the port easily (GRATEFUL!) and I've had the first two medicines, one to raise my white blood cell count and the other an anti-nausea med.  After this I'll have the two chemo drugs (I may update you on those two later, also when I pull the folder out).

Time to chill, listen to some music and focus on positive energy.  I am feeling overwhelmed with expressions of love and support.  I could give shout-outs all day long.  Here's a couple:  Melinda Burnett has set up a Take Them A Meal site so friends can sign up to bring meals (and is bringing the first meal tomorrow!); Rachel Estes texted me from Panama while serving on a medical mission team; Malinda Weaver and the mission peeps at VHUMC are covering it! and so nice to make contact with some friends that I haven't talked to in a while.

By the way, they allow friends to come into the infusion room to check in but not to sit and visit.

Can't thank y'all enough.  I know I will feel like crap but now just grateful. It's 10:35 and we are running the race.

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