Saturday, June 27, 2015

Side Effects, Version 2.0

This past week, I completed round 6 out of 12 Taxol infusions!  That is definitely cause for some joy!

I had figured that after 4 rounds I knew what the side effects were, and really, they were pretty minimal compared to the original drugs.  But after week 5, I started having some side effects that I hadn't experienced before...extreme fatigue, feeling like I was catching the flu.  From last Saturday through Tuesday, I was definitely not myself.

Going into the clinic on Wednesday, I was able to ask the nurse (thank God for nurses!!) what might be happening with me.  As soon as I started describing my bones hurting, she nodded and told me that Neulasta was one of the meds I get each week.  She described some effects of it, and it was exactly what I was experiencing.

What is Neulasta, you ask?  I'm so glad you asked.  I looked it up on my iPad while hooked up!

Neulasta helps stimulate white blood cells, which help to fight off infections. White blood cells are connected to bone marrow, so the deep bone pain I felt was real and caused by the extra production.

Other side effects I've had make you feel like you're getting the flu, chills, cough, fever, etc.

While the effects aren't fun, it is a relief to know that the pains are associated with SOMETHING and not NOTHING.  Having the information is better than not knowing.  Activity and rest interspersed, and Tylenol/Ibuprofen spread out are the best bets for dealing with the effects.

So I had a pretty good rest of the week, and started getting very tired last night.  This morning I'm up AND in my comfy chair, and will try to keep ahead of the worst of the pain.  I'm lucky I can 'chill out' on Saturday and Sunday, and ;that my family is supportive and helpful.

During treatments, I find that I love listening to my music to zone out.  This past Wednesday, I enjoyed my Pink jams.  I don't know if I should be embarrassed by admitting I love Pink's music (when I told Ben I liked Nickelback, he told me something like I should never admit that to anyone), but I really do.  As a piece of advice if you don't know her and want to check her out, there are explicit versions and cleaned-up versions (she sings a lot of party and emotional songs).

A couple songs this past week made an impact on me while listening for whatever reason, and I thought I'd share them:

The Great Escape

Beam Me Up

This weekend, my mom, sister and brother-in-law are in Indiana for a family wedding with the cousins.  If you're a basketball fan, then you'll know how excited my sister was to find she only comes up to Cody Zeller's waist, and that my mom was thrilled to have her picture taken with Victor Oladipo (and get his autograph).  Congratulations to Jordan and Aubrey!

Caden is coming over in a bit, and Bill and Ben are taking him to McWane Science Center to hang out.  If I feel up to it, I'll meet them for lunch later.

We're looking forward to our July 4th family gathering in Dalton at dad's house.  Ben may be getting the fireworks this weekend for that event!

Thanks for your continued love and support!  I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Denise if you need it we also have a hot tub. Might help with the pain issue
