Thursday, May 14, 2015

Last of the red devil, gallbladders, Mother's Day and more...

So sorry it's been so long again since I've fully communicated about what's been happening!

Going back to the first of my last two visits with Dr. heart had been racing in my chest, even when I was just sitting down.  She had prescribed the Verapamil which immediately helped.  I had the echocardiogram, and then met with a cardiologist for an ekg and to go over both.  Fortunately, my heart functions all look good.  He said I have mild hypertension and that the meds should be continued.  The doc is located at a UAB/Kirklin center located in Vestavia!  I have driven past it several times and didn't really notice it was there.

At the LAST Dr. Nabell appointment, we discussed the visit with the cardiologist, and also discussed having my last 12 treatments at the Vestavia center.  She agreed with that.  That is for the weekly taxol treatments.  Those are going to be scheduled for Wednesdays, and will last about 2 hours each.  She said (and the nurse later also said) that many people are able to work the next day.  I'm very grateful I will have will a couple of weeks of those treatments before I go back to work on June 8.

The news that has taken me the longest to digest is that she feels I need 6 weeks of daily radiation (Monday-Fridays) following the treatments, regardless of whether I have surgery or not.  She said that because the margins were not differentiated (I may be saying that wrong), that the radiation will make sure that the area is covered.  She is setting up an appointment with a surgeon at UAB for me to discuss surgical options, and that appointment should be in the next month or so.  I am not sure whether or not the surgery would potentially come first and then radiation, or vice versa, so I will have additional questions to ask as I meet with the surgeon and Dr. Nabell.  Interestingly, the Vestavia Kirklin center is the only place that the radiation is done, so at least it will be close by also.  Those treatments will take under an hour each (about 30-40 minutes).  I will check out that office/location when I go for the weekly treatments.

Right after the last blog post, I started having issues with my eyes...lots of watering and some itching.  The nurse was very responsive and said that it was a side effect of chemo, but if the itching continued or got 'gritty' to call an ophthalmologist.  By that Monday morning, my eyes were red and very gritty feeling, so I called a local UAB ophthalmology office here in Vestavia.  They told me to come in by 10:15 (they specialize in glaucoma but are suited to meet any ophthalmology needs).  I got in and was fully screened and checked.  He told me I still have 20/20 vision (or so) long-distance and that my eyes were the best he had seen all morning!  BUT the side-effects of chemo were definitely causing my eye issues (in addition to being a woman over the age of 40!).  So now I'm putting in Systane Balance eye drops as often as I can during the day (recommended 8-10 times), and taking 2000 mg of fish oil each day.  The eye drops have really helped but I find I do have to put them in every hour-hour and a half.

Then came my last infusion of the first set of cocktails.  So grateful to have that over but I'm still dealing with the aftermath.  Even thinking about the infusion makes me feel ill.  Grateful to have Mary and MJ Aiken walk over from Children's to hang out with me for a bit.  I finally asked the nurse why they wear gloves and gown while giving the 'red devil' chemo part, and she said that it's very toxic and that she has accidentally gotten some on her skin and has scars as a result.  Okay, that's enough of that!  

Rachel's Steven came by on Friday morning to take Bill to UAB for his gall bladder surgery, scheduled for 8:00 a.m.  Surgery went well and pretty easily from what I've been told.  The day took longer than expected because he experienced some nausea and then had to be given IV fluids to help him go to the bathroom!  Steven was a trooper, as Bill didn't get home til around 4:00.  Bill rested well, and managed the pain pretty well, even with soreness.  In fact, yesterday (Wednesday), he went into work and worked most of the day!  The 'scar' looks really good...right in the center of his belly button!  

We didn't announce this when I learned about it, because we weren't sure how Saturday was going to go (3 days after my infusion and the day after Bill's surgery), but I was notified at the beginning of the week that I had won a contest through Silvertron Restaurant (in Avondale)!  It was for a pick up and car ride in a classic vehicle and then ride back home.  We went ahead and said YES because we were hopeful in getting out for a wonderful Mother's Day brunch!  Ben was out of town, so couldn't join us, and Rachel was working in the morning but joined us at the restaurant.  Cathy and Bob Corley were able to come to our house for the experience and brunch!  Yes, we got up and by 11:00 the "Elizabeth," a 1956 white Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud pulled up in front of our house.  Matt, our driver, couldn't have been more gracious.  We piled in and drove to Silvertron.  I resisted the urge to roll down the window and wave like the queen to the neighbors.

We had a wonderful brunch with Rachel and Caden, Bob and Cathy, and us.  Marco (the owner) greeted us at the curb with a special parking space and we were seated by the front window.  We shared a pitcher of strawberry-basil mimosas (DELICIOUS!) and amazing brunch meals.  Caden was able to squeeze in the Rolls to ride back to the house with us.  A fun time.  We were ready to nap and relax when we got back but we were able to do that!  So fun.

On Sunday (actual Mother's Day), I was surprised with a wonderful flower container of flowers that attract hummingbirds (from both kids and Bill).  Ben brought me some cupcakes from his favorite baker in Jacksonville, and Molly Jo brought me some potted flowers as well.  Ben made french toast breakfast.  Lovely.

Yesterday, I felt better mentally and emotionally but was worn out as soon as I got up to do anything.  Today is better with my energy, so I'm happy about that.  Tonight is another part of my Mother's Day!  Ben and MJ got her mother and me tickets to Vestavia Carmike to see Pitch Perfect 2 tonight (with them!).  So excited!  Opening night WooHoo!  How did they know we would want to see this?!!

Also happy that Bill is feeling better and will be able to drive up to Lake Guntersville State Park (just over an hour away) for us to stay in one of their chalets (like a cabin with a view of the lake) for a couple of nights.  We thought it would be nice to get away for a few days.  Caden is going to come with us and is prepped to read, relax and play games or puzzles.  We've always loved staying up there, and are looking forward to this.

Again, so grateful for the many checking in texts and emails, the many meals delivered for us, and other contacts.  We feel  your love and compassion, and appreciate it so much.

Until later!

Much love,